MeasureD What Matters

We are finally done with the book! I dont know about you, but that makes me at least a little happy. My thoughts and feelings on the book are as follows:

Through reading Measure What Matters, I though the book was too repetitive. In hindsight, I think the book was very informative and I will definitely keep it around. I feel like the book could be even more useful once I have experience under my belt and I understand the content on a higher level.

The book is not repetitive for no reason. In fact, I dont think it should even be called repetitive. I rather would say the content is rich and consistent. For example, each chapter has a detailed list of steps to take in social media measurement. The lists are often similar, but each chapter has unique information that pertains to specific topics.

I know the opinion the author has on quantity against quality. She has a whole principal on how she thinks idiots measure success with quantitative data. I would just like to point out that the author is close minded and wrong! Although the goal is to have people read and understand and engage with our content, algorithms rely on how many times someone engages with your posts! YoU cAn'T rEaCh ThE pEoPlE wHo AcTuAlLy WaNt To ReAd YoUr CoNtEnT iF iT iSn'T aPpEaRiNg On ThEiR tImElIne. Therefore, the author needs to chill.


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